For Time:


Power Snatch
Handstand Push Up




A few of our athletes hit up the Garage Games- World Wide WOD Gym Resolution 2014 at CF Mansfield on Saturday. It was a very well run comp and we had a great time! Biles and Bonner placed 1st and 3rd in the “older dude” division 30-39 Rx’d and Stephen got 3rd in a really close Mens Rx’d division. Our buddy Tyler who owns T Bone CrossFit in San Angelo took first overall. And finally, my little bro, Nick, who runs CF Corsicana took 2nd in the “older dude” scaled division. If you haven’t gotten yourself into a little friendly CrossFit Competition, I’d suggest you do it! Here’s what CF Competitor Miranda Oldroyd who posts the workouts of the likes of herself, Jason Khalipa, Pat Barber, Garrett Fisher on NC Lab has to say about it:


This is a topic we have broached a few times on the Lab, but here it is again.  Do you compete?  For some of you the answer might be no.  If you have tried it and don’t like it, good for you…no problem at all.  Not having the desire to throw your hat in the ring doesn’t mean you can’t train like the athletes that do.  For many of the most successful athletes in CrossFit, Jason and Rich to name two, it’s the training they enjoy after all.  Both have said in multiple interviews that they don’t enjoy competing.

If your answer is no, but you’ve never tried, we encourage you to get out there and do it.  Many athletes find that competing motivates them.  Coming back from a competition, knowing where you excelled and where you didn’t can really fire you up to work weaknesses as well as be proud of your strengths.  You will DEFINITELY push harder than you do on the daily in the gym, which might teach you a thing or two about what you are capable of.

The most important thing to remember, AGAIN, is that you need to enjoy the experience and compare yourself to YOU. Did YOU do your best, what could you have done better??

One of my favorite times in competition might be that minute just before 3-2-1 go.  Next time you are in that situation, take a look around you.  Whether you are at the CrossFit Games, or in a local competition at your home gym, you are surrounded by people who want to be their best.  You are doing something that takes a lot of guts and hard work to do (regardless of your level).  You should take a moment to smile and enjoy that.  Most people will go their whole lives without ever experiencing that feeling.

Here’s the perfect opportunity to compete, do some good and have fun with a buddy in our upcoming fundraiser WOD. January 25th. Click the pic for more details.

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