Das right!


In teams of 3-4 complete the following:

AMRAP 7 of Box Jumps/ Row
100 Box Jumps (20″)
Row for max meters in the remainder of the time.

3 min Rest

AMRAP 7 of Snatches/ Box Jumps/ Row
50 Single Arm DB Snatches (45/25#)
50 Box Jumps (20″)
Row for max meters in the remainder of the time.

3 min Rest

AMRAP 7 of Snatches/ Row
100 Single Arm Snatches (45/25#)
Row for max meters in the remainder of the time.

One person working at a time. Reps are accumulated as a team. Rowers may only row a max of 250m at a time.

Score is total distance rowed.