EVOLVEMVMNTEvolve MVMNT is a challenge to the status quo. We’re here to shake things up, learn and apply new paradigms to current realities, and obtain better connection in mind, body, and spirit.

The speakers for this workshop are experts in their chosen field with numerous hours of study and application. I’m excited about what they have to offer to you.

IMG_0280Chris Biles, DC, CFL1
Dr. Chris (coach) earned his Doctorate in Chiropractic from Parker College of Chiropractic in May of 2001. Upon graduating he and his wife, Dr. Laura (also a chiro), began a family chiropractic practice. In 2007 one of Dr. Chris’ patients told him about CrossFit. He was quickly hooked and now operates CrossFit Waxahachie full time. Dr. Chris believes that everyone can benefit from bodyweight movement and strength training. He loves teaching to all ages of trainees. His philosophy is “Efficiency Wins- work smarter not harder.”

IMG_0233Sarah Pruitt, RYT
Sarah says she stumbled in to a yoga class in October 2006 and she fell in love moments later. The challenge and the beauty of the practice kept her coming back from more and she leapt at the opportunity to teach when the studio owner approached her. Sarah attended Level 1 teacher training with Baron Baptiste in Tulum, Mexico in October of 2007 and Level 2 teacher training in Helena, Montana in June of 2008 going on to assist and serve as Project Manager for multiple teacher trainings and workshops with Baron Baptiste himself in subsequent years. Sarah’s goal is to hold space for her students to discover the linking of body movement and breath as well as taking a break from mental noise to experience all that life has to offer.

IMG_0293Robyn Trog, ND
Robyn earned her MRS degree in January of 1981. She then earned four separate certificates as MOM in 1981, 1984, 1991, and 1992. She and her husband, Keith, are veteran homeschoolers. She credits Keith with the direction her life took in 1994 when she began studying alternative medicine. She has earned her Doctor of Naturopathy from Trinity School of Natural Health and enjoys one on one counseling toward eating well, moving well, thinking well, living well. Her motto is: Choose Life, not the knowledge of good and evil.

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