
Sven is less than 15 hours away! Here are a few more details about tomorrow’s events:

You already know that WOD 1 is as follows-

SVEN GONE BAD version 2.0

Perform as many reps as possible in 1 minute of each:

Push Press (75/45#)
Box Jumps (24/18″)
One Arm DB Snatch (45/25#)
Hand Release Push Up
Heavy Rope Jumps (with the Outlaw 120 ropes)

You will complete the circuit in order and your teammates will follow you into the WOD (ie, when you finish the push press, teammate #2 starts the push press as you move to box jumps). The timing will be just like Fight Gone Bad as in there will be no clock stoppage between stations. Move efficiently to the next station for best possible score. Each teammate will only perform 1 cycle in this WOD- 5 min of work.

Movement standards for this workout are:

Push Press
Barbell goes from the shoulder to a locked out position overhead. You may use the legs to drive the barbell overhead. Arms must be straight at the top of the movement with the barbell over the head. ***There will be a 5 rep penalty for dropping the barbell during this movement. Setting the barbell down is permitted but dropping the barbell from any point will reduce your SGB score by 5 reps per infraction.***

Box Jumps
The athlete will start with two feet on the ground and come to a standing position with knees and hips locked out on top of the box. Two-foot jumps, one-foot jumps and step-ups are all permitted.

One Arm DB Snatch
The DB must move from a position below the knees to overhead in one swift motion. You must alternate hands every 3 repetitions.

Hand Release Push Ups

The athlete begins in a full plank position on the hands and toes with the arms full extended. At the bottom of the push up, the chest and thighs must rest on the ground as the athlete lifts both hands in the air.

Heavy Rope Jumps
The rope must complete one revolution under the athlete.


SVEN 4 Timeline:

8:00-8:45am – Check in/ Payment/ Waivers/ Warm up (I will be there starting at 7am for anyone interested in being there sooner.)

The teams in each heat for WOD 1 are as follows:

8:45- Heat 1:

Reversed Oreos
Team Pure Awesome
Girls Gone WOD
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

9:00- Heat 2:

Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
Girls Gone Rx’d
WOD to Your Motha
Family Ties

9:15- Heat 3:

CFA PR Posse
The Mootopia Maytag Men
Got Skills

9:30- Heat 4:

Margaritas & Muscle Ups
SuperHeroes (In Training)
Hose Jerkers

9:45- Heat 5:

Bad Girls
Suck It Up Buttercup
The Frantastic Few

WOD 2 will include ALL teams in 3 heats and begin at 10:10am.

WOD 3 will include the top 4 teams (based on most reps performed) and begin at 11:30am.