3 Rounds For Max Reps

1 min Box Jumps (24/18″)
1 min Toes To Bar
1 min Deadlifts (225/135#)
1 min Rest



EMOM x12

Odd: 5 OHS (lower than 50% of 1RM)
Even: 50 Double Unders


Don’t forget about the FREE COMMUNITY WOD this Saturday at 8:30am



Some of you guys noticed a change of programming a few months back. In order to fully prepare for the CrossFit Games Open this year, a group of us started following Competitors WOD. The programming is written by coach Ben Bergeron out of CrossFit New England. This program clicked for us right away and we started implementing the metcon portion of the workout at CFW for our regular classes. This is the same program they use at CFNE. You guys have been following a week behind and we’ve adapted some of the WODs to include some strength work along with the heavy metcons. It’s been awesome to see you guys flourish with these WODs! Here’s to more PRs and a better showing in the 2014 CF Games Open!