Hey guys here’s some info about our competition tomorrow:

We’ll be at the Dallas Convention Center from 9 to 5. The comp is a part of a big fitness show called Europa Super Show & Supplement Expo. The cost for entry is $20.

WOD 1- 11:30am- Don & T

AMRAP 10 min
KBS (70/53#)
Thrusters (95/65#)

WOD 2- 1:00pm- Phillip, Ben & Britt

AMRAP 12 min
30 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps (30/24″)

WOD 3- 2:50pm- Chris & T

6 Minute Time Limit
Find Snatch 1RM
Max Calorie Row
One person rowing, one snatching.

If we make the top 10, WOD 4 is 4:15.