There's nothing like the view from the top.

If you have a goal to reach the summit of a mountain, to be sure, you’ll have to do some planning- learn about the terrain, pick your route, gather equipment and accumulate knowledge about climbing…

But at some point you’re going to have to start climbing.

The initial stages of prepping are only the beginning of the journey. The real fun begins when your boots hit the trail.

It may be easy at the beginning, with your excitement levels peaking like that of a 3 year-old on Christmas morning. The climb isn’t too tough. The ground isn’t so steep. The trail is densely covered by trees. And best of all, every time you break into a clearing, the peak is dead in your sights.

Yep, early on you’re making good time on your trip up the mountain. Then it happens. The cool, wooded trail becomes a barren rock face. Instead of walking upright, you now have to stoop forward and in some places crawl up the boulders to continue your forward progress. But you knew this was coming. You saw it on your map and thought, “Hey, if climbing mountains was easy, everyone would do it.” So you forge ahead as your breathing becomes more and more ragged.

The rest stops that were non-existent at the start are now needed every 15 minutes or so. To make matters worse, now you can’t even see the top. It’s just somewhere up there over those rock ledges that you’ve been slowly pulling yourself over. Doubt creeps into your head as the sun beats down on you sapping your strength. Your arms and legs ache. And just what happened to the air? Why does it seem like a cement block is resting on your chest?

“Maybe I’m not cut out to climb mountains. Maybe I should just head back down. Sure, I really, really wanted to make it to the top. But that was then. Before things got hard.”

Don't forget to stop and enjoy the view along the way.

Now is the point when a lot of people give up. Everything seems stacked against you. The goal you once were sure you’d reach, is now looking further and further away.


That’s how most exercise/ weight loss programs go. You learn about the “new” thing and have high hopes that it’s going to work for you. “This time things will be different,” you vow. “This time I’ll eat grapefruit every morning and whole grain cocoa-flax-acai-nutella muffins at night if it kills me.”

Day one- great. Day two- awesome. Day three- cool. Day four- well…if only they hadn’t ordered pizza at our late-night work meeting. Besides, you ate good for three and a half whole days. You can stand a little cheat meal.


You can’t “kinda” climb a mountain and expect to reach the top. You commit, you climb and you don’t stop till you reach the top.

If you have a goal- lose 20-50 pounds, back squat 405#, run a 5 minute mile, perform a muscle up- whatever it is, you’ll have to work toward it. You can’t expect to get there by working towards it one day and spending the next 29 wandering aimlessly.

Weight loss takes effort. Strength training takes effort. Learning a new skill/ technique takes effort.

My advice-

Commit, work and don’t stop till you reach the top.

A young coach Chris and his wife in the appalachian mountains.

Happy Trails,

Coach Chris

About the Author: Dr. Chris owns and operates Biles Family Chiropractic in Waxahachie, TX with his wife Dr. Laura Biles. Dr. Chris runs CrossFit Waxahachie and Better Functional Conditioning (BFC) BootCamp. An avid runner, cyclist and weightlifter, he is passionate about all things fitness and loves to spread the joy and fun of working out with those in his community.

Do you have a mountain you need help climbing? The coaches at CrossFit Waxahachie and BFC BootCamp can help you reach the top!

If you’re tired of the same ‘ol, boring workout and miles of running like a hamster on a treadmill, then check out what we have to offer:

CFW is a premiere training facility for strength, conditioning and all things fitness.

BFC BootCamp is a top-notch cardio-conditioning program designed to improve endurance, flexibility, and strength.

E-mail me today for more info and to find out about our Summer Specials!

1 thought on “Don’t Just Look At The Mountain

  1. Thanks, Coach! I needed this encouragement – and not just for crossfit goals. 🙂

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