Rustic MorningsTrifecta

Join us at CFW for a special Saturday! We’ve got the Trifecta from 6-9:30am.

6:00am- WOD
7:30am- Tacos & Coffee
8:30am- Yoga

We’ll be doing the Hero WOD “Griff” at 6:30am. Get to the box by 6am to roll or meet us at the Rogers St. bridge to run the trail.

For Time

Run 800M
Run 400M Backwards
Run 800M
Run 400M Backwards

In honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah.

After that we’ll head to Two Amigos for some tacos (I’ll be grabbing some coffee from Fresh first).

Then it’ll be time to “relax” with yoga led by Sarah.

Join us for all 3 and get a WOD, Yoga and Bonus sticker. Bring a friend and come have some fun!