
How did you guys like Fran? I don’t care who you are, Fran doesn’t seem to ever get easier. You get stronger and more conditioned and you get to go FASTER!!

Whether it was your first or fifth Fran, congrats guys and gals on tackling one tough benchmark!

Team WOD

Tabata Push Ups- Total Reps
*Rest 2 Minutes
15 Minute Row- Total Calories
*Rest 2 Minutes
Plank Hold- Total Time

Teams will perform push ups and planks at the same time. Teams will alternate as they want on the rower. Add up reps, cals, and plank time for total score.

CrossFit Kids Waxahachie Big Dawgs

Partner WOD (alternating w/ your partner)

5 Deadlifts
10 Wallballs
Run 100M