***DON’T FORGET- we will only have two WOD times tomorrow–> 6 or 9am



Run 1 Mile
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile

*Rx’d version is with a 20# vest. You may partition the pull ups, push ups and squats any way you’d like. The workout begins and ends with the mile run.

Murph is more than a workout. Murph is one of the workouts we do in CrossFit called a “Hero WOD.” These workouts are dedicated to honor men and women who have lost their lives as first responders (military, police, fire fighters). These individuals put themselves in harms way as a regular part of their job. So as we celebrate Memorial Day tomorrow, remember that “Murph” is more than just a workout. Murph is a way to honor those who struggled and fought on our behalf. Let’s give it all we’ve got!


Here’s something I wrote on 10-27-11 about Hero WODs that I believe bears repeating:

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. -Jewish Proverb

Hero WODs suck. Plain and simple.

First of all, they are tougher than just about anything we do in CrossFit.

But secondly, and more importantly, they mean that a brave first responder has lost their life. We can’t ease a family’s pain by doing these workouts. We certainly can’t bring anyone back. But in some way, these tributes are healing. It connects us to a world that many of us might be out of touch with. It helps us, if only for a moment, carry a a symbolic burden and stand in solidarity.

Today it will be my honor to stand with you guys at CrossFit Waxahachie.